MATSTAT – Mathematical and Statistical Analyses, Software, Training

4MATSTAT s.r.o. concentrates on the use of mathematical and statistical methods in practical life. We seek to find a bridge between the complicated background of the sciences and their practical use. We proceed from the fact that the client does not need to know the mathematical and statistical substance of our solutions in detail, but needs to effectively and promptly put our results in practice.

Principal Areas of Our Work

Statistics and Data Processing

We process data of commercial firms, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies as well as the government sphere.

Mathematical Models and Optimisation

We solve practical issues in your company you did not expect to be soluble.

Clinical Studies and Grants

We often find things in clinical studies or grants that remained hidden to the eye of the doctor.

Data Mining

We mine interesting but up to this point unknown information from your data.

Training in Statistics

We will share our statistical experience we apply in our work with you.


We will be happy to meet with you to discuss the possibilities of solving your problems and to take care of other interesting projects.